

All items have sewn washing directives and instructions documented in product descriptions


We prioritize your satisfaction. All Synthesis orders, whether Express or Standard, are posted within one business day. You'll get a tracking number once your order is fulfilled. Local deliveries take 1-7 days. We're committed to swift and secure delivery, ensuring style reaches you promptly.

Why Us?

Choose Synthesis for more than just clothing – choose a lifestyle defined by quality, innovation, and individuality. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every stitch, ensuring you receive garments that not only look good but stand the test of time. With a focus on comfort and style, allowing you to make a statement without saying a word. We pride ourselves on our sustainable practices, from sourcing materials to packaging. Plus, our customer service is second to none – we're here to make sure your experience is as exceptional as our products. Join the Synthesis Collective community and embrace fashion that reflects your unique identity.

Support A Good Cause

Supporting our local clothing brand isn't just about fashion – it's a commitment to community and mental health. With each purchase, you're not only boosting our growth but also contributing to the well-being of men through the Black Dog Institute. Your support becomes a catalyst for positive change, making a stylish impact that extends far beyond the clothes.

The Black Dog Institute

At Synthesis, we're committed to making a positive impact. That's why 10% of our proceeds go to the Black Dog Institute, supporting mental health awareness and treatment. By choosing us, you not only embrace quality and style but also contribute to an important cause. We'd appreciate any additional support you can provide to help us make a meaningful difference. Thank you for being part of our mission for a brighter and healthier future.